Free Data Audit
Receive a health check on the quality of your data completely free of charge
Check your data health with our FREE Data Audit
A quick, easy and FREE way to understand the quality of your data
Our data audit report identifies where your data requires attention, allowing you to fully understand its accuracy and completeness.
The report will identify your data processing requirements, and help you to budget for the quality and enhancement improvements you require to keep your data clean.
Data Accuracy is a legal requirement, so there has never been a more important time to ensure your data is accurate; Article 5 of the General Data Protection Regulation requires that data is accurate, relevant and up to date and breach of the Regulation could incur penalties of up to 4% of global turnover, or €20 million, whichever is the greater.
A data audit is the first step on your journey to clean, accurate and compliant data.
What's inside your Data Audit?
Check your data health against 3 important areas of data quality
Name & Address validation
Northern Ireland, Channel Islands & Isle of Man address checks
PO Box, Company Keyword, BFPO, Obscene / Deceased Keyword reporting
Telephone & Email validation
Duplicate records identification
Screen for deceased & gone-away records
Identify and re-connect with movers
MPS / Baby MPS / TPS / CTPS screening to ensure Data Protection Act compliance
Lifestyle Profile including
household composition analysis